"The Life Of David Gale" este un film genial care trebuie vazut neaparat!
In film este vorba despre un profesor universitar de filosofie care impreuna cu o colega de a lui incearca sa interzica sentintele la moarte ale criminalilor din Texas. Dupa un timp el este condamnat la moarte pentru uciderea si violarea colegei sale de "mici rebeliuni". O jurnalista investigheaza cazul acestuia in ultimele zile de viata pe care le mai are de trait. El ii povesteste despre toate deciziile pe care le-a luat in viata si ii spune de asemenea a nu el a omorat-o pe colega lui. Astfel jurnalista (Kate Winslet) incearca sa descopere cine a pus la capat acest complot.
Filmul este un thriller excelent, care te tine mereu in suspans si care are un final neasteptat.
Pe final va las niste citate foarte faine.
David Gale: We spend our whole life trying to stop death. Eating, inventing, loving, praying, fighting, killing. But what do we really know about death? Just that nobody comes back. Then there comes a point - a moment - in life when your mind outlives its desires, its obsessions, when your habits survive your dreams, and when your losses... Maybe death is a gift. You wonder. All I can tell you is that by this time tomorrow I'll be dead. I know when. I just cannot say why. You have 24 hours to find out.
Bitsey Bloom: Hate's no fun if you keep it to yourself.
David Gale: [Giving a lecture to his college students] Fantasies have to be unrealistic. Because the minute- the second- that you get what you want, you don't- you can't- want it anymore.
Governor Hardin: [flustered] You've got me, Professor. But let me, in my defense, offer YOU a quote. Winston Churchill: 'If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at thirty, you've got no brain.'
[studio audience laughs]
David Gale: So, basically, you feel, to choose another quote, 'society must be cleansed of elements which represent its own death.'
Governor Hardin: Well, yes. I'd have to agree.
Governor Hardin: Did I say that too?
David Gale: No, that was Hitler.
In film este vorba despre un profesor universitar de filosofie care impreuna cu o colega de a lui incearca sa interzica sentintele la moarte ale criminalilor din Texas. Dupa un timp el este condamnat la moarte pentru uciderea si violarea colegei sale de "mici rebeliuni". O jurnalista investigheaza cazul acestuia in ultimele zile de viata pe care le mai are de trait. El ii povesteste despre toate deciziile pe care le-a luat in viata si ii spune de asemenea a nu el a omorat-o pe colega lui. Astfel jurnalista (Kate Winslet) incearca sa descopere cine a pus la capat acest complot.
Filmul este un thriller excelent, care te tine mereu in suspans si care are un final neasteptat.
Pe final va las niste citate foarte faine.
David Gale: We spend our whole life trying to stop death. Eating, inventing, loving, praying, fighting, killing. But what do we really know about death? Just that nobody comes back. Then there comes a point - a moment - in life when your mind outlives its desires, its obsessions, when your habits survive your dreams, and when your losses... Maybe death is a gift. You wonder. All I can tell you is that by this time tomorrow I'll be dead. I know when. I just cannot say why. You have 24 hours to find out.
Bitsey Bloom: Hate's no fun if you keep it to yourself.
David Gale: [Giving a lecture to his college students] Fantasies have to be unrealistic. Because the minute- the second- that you get what you want, you don't- you can't- want it anymore.
Governor Hardin: [flustered] You've got me, Professor. But let me, in my defense, offer YOU a quote. Winston Churchill: 'If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at thirty, you've got no brain.'
[studio audience laughs]
David Gale: So, basically, you feel, to choose another quote, 'society must be cleansed of elements which represent its own death.'
Governor Hardin: Well, yes. I'd have to agree.
Governor Hardin: Did I say that too?
David Gale: No, that was Hitler.
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