"The Painted Veil" este o poveste de dragoste cum nu am mai vazut pana acum. Cred ca toti v-ati saturat de filmele de dragoste clasice. Aici ma refer la povestile in care de obicei 2 persoane se cunosc, se indragostesc, apar ceva probleme de-a lungul relatiei, dar in final ajung iar impreuna. Aici este cu totul diferit. Walter Fane (Edward Norton) o unoaste pe Kitty la o mica petrecere si se indragosteste de ea. Foarte curand o cere in acsatorie fiind constient ca sentimentele ei nu sunt mutuale. El ii propune sa mearga cu el in China pentru a gasi un leac impotriva holerei, iar ea accepta. Cei doi spera ca in timpul sederii in China se va infiripa totusi ceva intre ei. Din nefericire Kitty nu simte nimic pentru el, din contra, are o relatie secreta cu un alt barbat de acolo. Walter stie de aceasta relatie si ii spune ca are de ales: ori sa mearga cu el in satele unde holera este in floare, ori sa divorteze. In cele din urma ea merge cu el.
In mare parte este vorba despre apropierea dintre cei doi. Filmul este foarte dragut si merita vazut. Am sa va las niste citate care mi-au placut foarte mult.
Walter Fane: I knew when I married you that you were selfish and spoiled. But I loved you. I knew you only married me to get as far away from your mother as possible. And I hoped that one day... there'd be something more. I was wrong. You don't have it in you.
Kitty Fane: If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him then it's *his* fault not hers.
Charlie Townsend: Women are always under the impression that men love them more that they really do.
Walter Fane: I suppose I'm not used to speaking unless I've something to say.
Kitty Fane: If people only spoke when they had something to say, the human race would soon lose the power of speech.
Walter Fane: It was silly of us to look for qualities in each other that we never had.
Kitty Fane: As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue.
In mare parte este vorba despre apropierea dintre cei doi. Filmul este foarte dragut si merita vazut. Am sa va las niste citate care mi-au placut foarte mult.
Walter Fane: I knew when I married you that you were selfish and spoiled. But I loved you. I knew you only married me to get as far away from your mother as possible. And I hoped that one day... there'd be something more. I was wrong. You don't have it in you.
Kitty Fane: If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him then it's *his* fault not hers.
Charlie Townsend: Women are always under the impression that men love them more that they really do.
Walter Fane: I suppose I'm not used to speaking unless I've something to say.
Kitty Fane: If people only spoke when they had something to say, the human race would soon lose the power of speech.
Walter Fane: It was silly of us to look for qualities in each other that we never had.
Kitty Fane: As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue.
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