Filmul este o drama amuzanta si sper s ava placa la fel de mult ca si mie.
Cute/Funny Quotes:
Alex: I was of the opinion that the past is past, and like all that is not now it should remain burried along the side of our memories.
Alex: [voice over] Now I must tell you more of myself. I an unequivocally tall. I do not know any women who are taller than me. The women who *are* taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was a very momentous year. For me, America is a first-rate place. Most of all, I am beloved of American movies, muscular cars, and hip-hop music. I also dig Negroes, most of all, Michael Jackson. He is a first-rate dancer, just like me. Many girls want to be carnal with me because I'm such a premium dancer.
Alex: [voice over] This is my miniature brother, Igor. I am tutoring him to be a man of this world. For an example, I exhibited him a smutty magazine three days yore.
Igor: [in Russian] Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?
Alex: [voice over] I explain it to him that this is because it was invented in the year 1969. I know this because my friend Grisha knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor.
Igor: [in Russian] What did people do before 1969?
Alex: [voice over] He is a genius, my miniature brother. He will be made a VIP if I have a thing to do with it.
Asta era candva filmul meu preferat..Mai exact in 2007. Si acum e unul din preferatele mele,insa cum nu l-am vazut de mult am cam uitat detaliile.In mare parte mi-a placut mult..
RăspundețiȘtergereChiar e foarte fain! Cartea ai citito? :D
RăspundețiȘtergereCartea nu am citit-o.Nu stiam ca exista pana am citit la tine aici:D Poate o s-o caut.
RăspundețiȘtergereO prietena a citit-o anul trecut si a zis ca e foarte faina :D