"Blow" ilustreaza povestea adevarata a lui George Jung, un traficant de droguri care a creat piata de cocaina in America in anii '70. Filmul este foarte interesant si arata ca indiferent de cat de multi bani posezi, acestia pot sa dispara si odata cu ei multe alte lucruri care credeai ca le vei avea langa tine toata viata. Si aici ma refer la prieteni, familie etc.
George Jung si-a inceput "cariera" transportand marijuana din Mexic, pe care apoi o vinde prin campusuri. A avut un enorm suces si s-a imbogatit foarte repede. El era ajutat de inca 3 prieteni si de iubita lui stewardesa, care transporta iarba in bagajele ei, stewardesele nefiind vreodata verificate. Dupa ce iubita lui moare de cancer el este prins si tinut in inhisoare 2 ani. Aici el il intalneste pe Diego, care ii propune un nou targ, acela de a vinde cocaina. La iesirea din inchisoare cei doi se intalnes si pornes mia lor afaacre, care in scurt timp ajunga sa se extinda enorm. Dupa cum spune si George Jung (Johnny Depp): "Daca ai consumat vreodata cocaina in anii 70-80 sunt 85% sanse sa fi provenit de la mine. " El o intalneste pe Mirtha (Penelope Cruz) si viata lui se shimba. Dupa ce prietenii lui il exlud din afaceri si renunta la traficul de droguri, George se aseaza la casa lui impreuna cu sotia lui si Kristina, fetita acestora. El este arestat din nou si pierde cel mai de pret lucru al sau, familia.
George Jung va iesi din inchisoare in 2015. Nu v-a spus mai multe detalii, deoarece merita sa le descoperiti chiar voi.
George: So in the end, was it worth it? Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.
George: Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it.
Fred Jung: Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on.
George: Danbury wasn't a prison, it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine.
George: I was busted. Set up by the FBI and the DEA. That didn't bother me. Set up by Kevin Dulli and Derek Forreal to save their own asses. That didn't bother me. Sentenced to 60 years at Ottisville. That didn't bother me. I'd broken a promise. Everything I love in my life goes away.
George Jung si-a inceput "cariera" transportand marijuana din Mexic, pe care apoi o vinde prin campusuri. A avut un enorm suces si s-a imbogatit foarte repede. El era ajutat de inca 3 prieteni si de iubita lui stewardesa, care transporta iarba in bagajele ei, stewardesele nefiind vreodata verificate. Dupa ce iubita lui moare de cancer el este prins si tinut in inhisoare 2 ani. Aici el il intalneste pe Diego, care ii propune un nou targ, acela de a vinde cocaina. La iesirea din inchisoare cei doi se intalnes si pornes mia lor afaacre, care in scurt timp ajunga sa se extinda enorm. Dupa cum spune si George Jung (Johnny Depp): "Daca ai consumat vreodata cocaina in anii 70-80 sunt 85% sanse sa fi provenit de la mine. " El o intalneste pe Mirtha (Penelope Cruz) si viata lui se shimba. Dupa ce prietenii lui il exlud din afaceri si renunta la traficul de droguri, George se aseaza la casa lui impreuna cu sotia lui si Kristina, fetita acestora. El este arestat din nou si pierde cel mai de pret lucru al sau, familia.
George Jung va iesi din inchisoare in 2015. Nu v-a spus mai multe detalii, deoarece merita sa le descoperiti chiar voi.
George: So in the end, was it worth it? Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.
George: Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it.
Fred Jung: Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on.
George: Danbury wasn't a prison, it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine.
George: I was busted. Set up by the FBI and the DEA. That didn't bother me. Set up by Kevin Dulli and Derek Forreal to save their own asses. That didn't bother me. Sentenced to 60 years at Ottisville. That didn't bother me. I'd broken a promise. Everything I love in my life goes away.
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